So you thought the Terrible Twos were, well terrible? Wait until your yearling turns into a adolescent and I vouch you'll be looking back with affectionate nostalgia to the years when crying and fits could be silenced by an ice-cream and sulkinesses lasted proceedings instead of hebdomads or months. But it's no merriment being a adolescent either sometimes so as a mother, and ex-high school instructor (now turned adolescent author) here's my usher for grownups and teens.
Parents' Usher to Teenagers:
Teenagers' Usher to Parents (and instructors too):
just experiences that way.
Still having problem apprehension your teenager/parents? Then communicating is the key. However I've establish the most of import accomplishment in effectual communicating is not knowing what to state but what definitely not to say. Here are some examples.
What Not to State to Your Teenager
What Not to State to Your Parents
skin color you know."
for you."
Hope all this helps. If not, we parents can comfort ourselves with alcohol, cocoas and the cognition that one twenty-four hours our progeny will probably be tormented by teens of their own. As for teens, just remind your parents of that old proverb "be nice to your children as they acquire to take your nursing home."
note: A version of this article by me was published in the Scots "Daily Record" newspaper on 2nd July 2005.
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